Becoming Me

I looked into the mirror as I stepped into the apartment. I see a really beautiful woman. The kind of woman that I always wanted to look like: my brows are done, got lovely makeup on, great hair 🙂 I am feeling so thankful for everything. I am beginning to feel better consistently with the... Continue Reading →

Depression and Recovery

I am recently just realized how much I have been struggling with depression most of my life. How what it means to be living in survival mode through most of my life in my head, and how my childhood trauma has shaped me. Thank my HP for guiding my life and recovery. Sometimes I couldn't help... Continue Reading →

Loving Myself through Ups and Downs

I am beginning to accept that feeling sadness is part of the human experience. I was taught by the society and parents that feeling sad or feeling down, feeling hopeless, feeling low are labelled as bad feelings.  I am beginning to be reminded that feeling these so-called negative emotions are part of the full range of... Continue Reading →

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